

Unethical SEO

SEOptimism accepts and adheres to Google's Quality Guidelines.

The following practices are considered unethical in SEO.

  • Hidden text (keyword stuffing) or hidden links in punctuation and invisible images.
  • Cloaking (defined below) or javascript redirects.
  • Pages loaded with irrelevant machine generated text.
  • Multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with unnecessary duplicate content.
  • "Doorway" pages created just for search engines.
SEOptimism is specifically opposed to the practice of "Cloaking", Which is described by Google as the following.
The term "cloaking" is used to describe a website that returns altered webpages to search engines crawling the site. In other words, the webserver is programmed to return different content to Google than it returns to regular users, usually in an attempt to distort search engine rankings. This can mislead users about what they'll find when they click on a search result. To preserve the accuracy and quality of our search results, Google may permanently ban from our index any sites or site authors that engage in cloaking to distort their search rankings.

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